Owain has written a new chamber opera, setting a short story from Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber. The Snow Child will be performed in Cambridge on two nights in February, and is supported by the Cambridge University Opera Society. This new piece is one of three new chamber operas by Cambridge composers, performed in fully-staged productions in the beautiful and atmospheric settings of Trinity and Jesus chapels.
The production presents operatic versions of short stories by Flannary O’Connor, Angela Carter, and Oscar Wilde; the evening will feature Stephen Bick’s A Good Man is Hard to Find, Bertie Baigent’s The Nightingale and the Rose, as well as Owain’s The Snow Child. The relationship between literature and music lies at the heart of the production, and permeates its every aspect. Love, revenge, sacrifice, and human waste are key themes of what promises to be a beautiful yet challenging production.
Cast members for The Snow Child include Hannah King, Oliver Clarke, Krishnan Ram-Prasad, Helena Moore, Amber Evans and Peter Lidbetter. The opera is directed by Gareth Mattey, and its musical director is Bertie Baigent.
Friday 5th February 2016 at 8pm in Trinity College Chapel
Saturday 6th February 2016 at 8pm in Jesus College Chapel
Available online here: http://shortstories.tessera.info