This afternoon, BBC Radio 3 are premiering a rather lovely programme I worked on with the BBC Singers last year. The programme, presented by Fiona Talkington, is available here for 30 days.
Closing this week of programmes celebrating the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Singers, British composer/conductor Owain Park conducts the BBC Singers in a programme of contemporary choral music. Alongside his own works is music by Cheryl Frances-Hoad, Rhiannon Randle and Joanna Ward, and Song (I gaze upon you) by former BBC Singers composer-in-association, Gabriel Jackson.
Cheryl Frances-Hoad Floodlight, starlight
Gabriel Jackson Song (I gaze upon you)
Paweł Łukaszewski Like as the waves
Owain Park For the fallen
Owain Park The wings of the wind
Rhiannon Randle On Life’s dividing sea
Joby Talbot The wishing tree
Joanna Ward Brambles Fewer
BBC Singers
Owain Park, conductor