Dido and Aeneas

Owain conducted a performance of Henry Purcell’s finest opera, Dido and Aeneas. The soloists included Sinéad O’Kelly (Dido) Sophie Gallagher (Belinda), James Wafer (Aeneas) and Pat Dunachie (Sorceress).

Violin: Gabriella Jones, Josh Michaels
Viola: Nathalie Green-Buckley
Basso continuo: Sophie Haynes (‘cello), Seb Gillot (harpsichord)

About the opera

Dido and Aeneas is a tragic opera in three acts, written by Henry Purcell in the late 17th century. The libretto is by Nahum Tate, after his play Brutus of Alba and Virgil’s Aeneid. The first performance took place in Josias Priest’s school in Chelsea, London, before December 1689, with a possible earlier performance as a court masque in 1684.

Dido and Aeneas